We asked all of the General Election candidates in Norwich North five questions. 

Here are the answers from those who responded...

What is your top priority for Norwich North during the next parliament?

Charlotte Salomon (Conservative): "We’ve secured funding for a new diagnostic centre at the N&N and a new ward at Norwich Community Hospital. One of my top priorities is to ensure these are delivered along with the development of Hellesdon Rivers Centre and Aslake Surgery – so that we can have access to more healthcare."

Alice Macdonald (Labour): "Standing up for people in Norwich North is my top priority. I will do my utmost to get the best for our community and for all those who have been let down."

Ben Price (Green): "The biggest issue by far in Norwich North is getting truly affordable and social housing built to high environmental standards. Everyone deserves access to safe clean and affordable homes. It is a basic human right."

Nick Taylor (Reform UK): "At the top of the list would be more police presence on our streets in order to deal with rising crime levels in the city. This is what residents have been telling me so I do feel compelled to act upon it."

Chika Akinwale (Lib Dem): "My top priority is to significantly improve our local education system. This includes increasing the number of specialist teachers, ensuring mental health professionals are available in every school, and providing free school meals for all children in poverty."


How will you try to help councils get housebuilding moving, particularly on brownfield sites such as Anglia Square?

Charlotte Salomon (Conservative): "I would back legislation to support quality house building such as the Building Safety Act along with fixing the rules on nutrient neutrality, both named as a factor in Anglia Square."

Alice Macdonald (Labour): "The collapse of the Anglia Square scheme was bad news for our city. The project wasn't perfect but it would have brought much-needed jobs and homes. I would be working with the Labour city council to secure the necessary action to unlock the site for the homes and community facilities we need."

Ben Price (Green): "I believe that the city council needs to deliver on Anglia Square for the people of Norwich. It needs to be bold with its wholly owned housing company and prudently invest in directly delivering much needed housing on the site. We need a Green council in Norwich to develop positive solutions, rather than continuing with the current Labour council that constantly undervalues Norwich."

Nick Taylor (Reform UK): "Anglia Square has been an eyesore for far too many decades and the length of time and cost it has taken to decide what to do with the site is a disgrace. It is the residents of Norwich North that have to look at Anglia Square and frankly, they have been very poorly served by the authorities. I would bring pressure to bear on the planning process so that the scheme delivers what local residents and businesses really need."

​Chika Akinwale (Lib Dem): "To help councils get house building moving, especially on brownfield sites like Anglia Square, I will advocate for streamlined planning processes and increased funding for redevelopment projects."


Anglia SquareAnglia Square (Image: Denise Bradley)

Should the Western Link be built?

Charlotte Salomon (Conservative): "Yes. Residents and Businesses have relayed to me how important the delivery of the road is to them. It will help decrease traffic, pollution and congestion on our residential roads, and it will also improve travel times to the southern part of the city and the N&N Hospital."

Alice Macdonald (Labour): "I have serious concerns about the spiralling cost, economic and environmental impact of the current proposal. If I am elected, I will be making sure there is proper consideration of the economic and environmental impact of the Western Link and that communities' voices are heard."

Ben Price (Green): "No! The Western Link is a Conservative folly that plays to old tropes of transportation from the last century. It is an environmental disaster waiting to happen."

Nick Taylor (Reform UK): "The Western Link should of course be built. It is essential for the economy of the city and for the convenience of local taxpayers that we should have a proper ring road."

​Chika Akinwale (Lib Dem): "The decision to build the Western Link should be based on a thorough assessment of its environmental impact, cost and benefits to the community."


Are you in favour of Debenhams being demolished and rebuilt for student housing?

Charlotte Salomon (Conservative): "I think it’s a pity that our city will lose retail space, but should this be the only viable option, we must accept that."

Alice Macdonald (Labour): "People of all ages have told me of their struggle to get on the housing ladder and of soaring rents. So, what matters for me is that we have good quality, affordable and social housing - that is what I would be fighting for if elected."

Ben Price (Green): "The city centre seems to be saturated with student accommodation in my opinion. What we really need in the centre is more homes for families and city workers. I would have liked to have seen the full retention of the existing building in the planning application - it’s quite an iconic and pretty department store."

Nick Taylor (Reform UK): "I am in favour of the Debenhams site being repurposed as soon as possible whether that be a conversion of the existing building or demolishing the existing building and starting from scratch. However, student accommodation is at saturation point in Norwich and I believe the site would be better utilised as homes for first time buyers."

​Chika Akinwale (Lib Dem): "I will support this project if it includes affordable housing options for local residents and contributes positively to the area’s development, ensuring it does not strain existing infrastructure."

Debenhams in NorwichDebenhams in Norwich (Image: Denise Bradley)


Which Norwich restaurant is your favourite, why and what would you order?

Charlotte Salomon (Conservative): "My family and I are vegetarian, and we’re really spoilt for choice in Norwich! I'd have to say The Bull in Hellesdon, which has just launched a new menu. I order the buttermilk-style fillet with sticky BBQ sauce, creamy garlic and herb sauce."

Alice Macdonald (Labour): "I live near the Rosebery and the Stanley pubs - where Blues NR3 and Yard serve up delicious food. They are brilliant examples of the innovation and creativity we have in Norwich."

Ben Price (Green): "I don’t eat out much, but I would say the Grosvenor Fish Bar. Amazing chips from an independent locally owned business. It’s a great place for me to take the kids."

Nick Taylor (Reform UK): "My favourite Norwich restaurant is The Merchants of Spice where I would order a Chicken Jalfrezi."

​Chika Akinwale (Lib Dem): "While I don't have a single favourite restaurant, I enjoy exploring the diverse culinary scene in our community. I appreciate restaurants that focus on locally sourced ingredients and create a welcoming atmosphere."

Independent candidate Fiona Grace is also standing for election in Norwich North - she did not respond to the questions.