A popular restaurant in Norwich appears to have closed.

Reports have stated that The Tipsy Vegan, in St Benedicts Street, has not opened since Saturday, May 4.

The vegan restaurant opened in 2017 with owners Michelle McCabe and Cheryl Mullinger at the helm but Kostas Petrou and Andrew Warren took over last September. 

Norwich Evening News: The Tipsy Vegan opened in 2017 and was taken over by new owners in September 2023The Tipsy Vegan opened in 2017 and was taken over by new owners in September 2023 (Image: Sonya Duncan, Newsquest)

The news comes just months after the business announced a new manager, Hattie Fox

A notice from a repossession company, Umberto, was on the front of the premises dated Friday, May 17 but has since been removed.

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The notice stated: "Possession has been taken of property on May 17, 2024.

"You have seven days from the date above in which to contact and collect any personal items that may be at the premises."

Norwich Evening News: The notice was spotted on the morning of Friday, May 17The notice was spotted on the morning of Friday, May 17 (Image: Supplied)

However, the Tipsy Vegan website remains live and is taking bookings with a £1 deposit fee.

In March 2024, Mr Petrou said: "We are looking to open a Tipsy Vegan in multiple locations.

"We have been contacted by a major shopping centre in London to open a restaurant there.

"No matter how much we grow we will always have Norwich close to our hearts and plan to train future staff here."

The last update posted on the Tipsy Vegan Instagram page was on April 24.

READ MORE: New manager takes the helm at Tipsy Vegan as owners look to expand business

The business previously also had a site in Cambridge, which opened in September 2021.

That venue, in Quayside, closed for an "end of summer break" last year but didn't reopen with that statement still on the company's website.

Attempts to contact the business have proved unsuccessful.